Aromatase Inhibitors for Breast Cancer

Aromatase Inhibitors for Breast Cancer

Clinical trials have shown that two aromatase inhibitors – anastrozole and exemestane – can lower breast cancer risk in women who have never been diagnosed with the disease. However, these drugs have not yet received FDA approval for this use. Hormone therapy is sometimes used for the neoadjuvant treatment of HR-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women who cannot tolerate chemotherapy or when surgery needs to be delayed. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced by the ovaries in premenopausal women and by some other tissues, including fat and skin, in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women and in men. Estrogen promotes the development and maintenance of female sex characteristics and the growth of long bones.

Coping with menopausal symptoms

You have check ups with your doctor during neo adjuvant hormone therapy to see if your canceris getting smaller. After you get a recommended treatment plan from your health care team, study your treatment options. Together with your health care team, make thoughtful, informed decisions that are best for you.

Reduction of Late Recurrence

Targeted therapy medicines attack specific chemicals in cancer cells. One approach to hormone therapy is to stop the hormones from attaching to the receptors on the cancer cells. When the hormones can’t access the cancer cells, the cancer’s growth may slow and the cells may die. Hormone therapy is only used for breast cancers that are found to have receptors for the naturally occurring hormones estrogen or progesterone. The long-term effects of aromatase inhibitors are arguably more concerning.

  • Aromatase inhibitor therapy does not affect estrogen production in the ovaries.
  • Treatment with tamoxifen for two to five years before aromatase inhibitors may slow down the rate of bone loss.
  • For example, you might be able to have just the tumour removed (a lumpectomy) instead of the whole breast (mastectomy).
  • Your doctor might change you to a different type of hormone treatment if your cancer starts growing again.


The type of surgery you have is called laparoscopic oophorectomy. When you stop having the drug, your ovaries should start working again. But, if you’re close to the age at which your menopause would naturally start, your periods might not return.

Similarly, if the tumor cells contain progesterone receptors, the cancer is called progesterone receptor positive (PR or PgR positive). Breast tumors that contain estrogen and/or progesterone receptors are sometimes called hormone receptor positive (HR positive). When considering the androgenic properties of AIs, differential effects on healthy tissue may also affect clinical benefit for breast cancer patients. Work in model systems suggests that exemestane treatment may lead to fewer adverse effects related to bone loss than nonsteroidal AIs because of its androgenicity [40–42].

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