Gamemir-2016: I call you to a duel! Pre -high For Honor

All the most important and interesting from the exhibition "Gamery-2016"

In early October, Artemy Kotov and Eugene Peklo played in For Honor – The coming action from Ubisoft. The first one appreciated the game at the Igomir exhibition, the second participated in a closed alpha testing along with dozens of other players.

And each of them has something to say about the new game.

Artemy Kotov

Permanent author of "Gambling"

I played for For Honor at the Gameier's Grandma Stand. There, eight consoles with the game were placed in two rows, and not just like that: visitors were offered to undergo training, after which scary four by four in battle.

Even in the meager time that I spent in the game, for Honor inspires and leads to very childish, sincere delight. A rare game can make you believe that you have a real sword in your hands, and the Ubisoft Montreal project. Each swing is animated so smoothly and convincing that you feel the weight of the blade, inertia from every blow. And it is worth mastering the nuances of the local system system, Art of Battle, and the battle becomes not just realistic – it absorbs! On a duel with an equal enemy, not only the speed of the reaction is important, but also the possession of tactical techniques, the ability to wait a moment, bluff and predict the actions of the enemy. A sharp change in the impact rack to confuse and take it by surprise – the most obvious, but far from the only. Each movement, each action must be calculated with extreme caution.

► missing an enemy blow to For Honor is very simple.

But there is a catch. Art of Battle is a system of duel fights, which is also talking about the close landing of the camera behind the hero. This system is best revealed in Duel multiplayer mode. I played Dominion, where two teams divided the territory. It was necessary to capture and hold the control points, and so that the eight soldiers were not lonely Playzee sister sites, the “creeps” from both teams participated in the battle. But even without them, a bunch of Mala formed on the map: not so much a skilled duelist won as the most quick warrior who managed to hit in the back in time.

The key to success in Dominion mode is the ability to create favorable combat conditions. This completely changes the approach to tactics, priorities in battle. With a coordinated team game, the first loss can solve the outcome of the battle: as in real life, numerical superiority almost guarantees victory. But to keep a single system is not an option. To control more than one point on the map, you need to separate. And if you play with random allies, there is no talk of any coherence: the battle turns into a cavardak.

And, frankly … it's damn fun! Turning away from chaos on the battlefield is physically difficult. After death, I would like to immediately return to battle and rush at the nearest enemy.

For Honor – a game with character, and this inevitably creates risk factors. Some I have already identified for myself. The fact that the game has a perky multiplayer, there is no doubt. The question is – is there enough its potential to keep the players for a long time. I played Kansay with Nodati (who else!) and from enemies met comrades in the class: Knight's guard and rider Viking. I noticed the difference only in the animation of movements: the soldiers seemed not just one order, but with identical.

Add here a nonsense here – like Kansai, trying to stab a chopping sword, and a Valkyrie, capable of killing a samurai with a vertical wave of a spear (I recall, she holds a spear in one hand). Nevertheless, the rich opportunities for setting up fighters are declared, and each class has unique skills and parameters, which gives confidence.

The most fears are a single campaign. In the last stages of training, I fought with knights, whose blows were easy to predictly predict, and the battles did not even cause the shadows of the emotions that the multiplayer gives. And the Pekhtur, the crowds of which we have to put on the way to the next "boss", generally plays the role of lively decoration. Ordinary soldiers act sluggishly, almost do not inflict damage and do not affect the gameplay in any way. Each blow to them is a finishing. At first, to scatter them fun, but the monotonous animation of the murder is quickly bored, and the complete lack of a call is puzzling. At these moments, comparison of the game with the series Warriors does not seem so stretched.

But trailers are full of spectacular moments, and from the beauties for Honor breathtaking. If the campaign can challenge your knight, viking or samurai, there is nothing to worry about.

► The lion's share of the fighters surrounding two knights is only a packet that controls the AI.

Evgeny Peklo

The editor -in -chief of the magazine "Gambling"

For Honor – a very cruel game. And not in terms of violence, no. She is cruel to the player. It has a very unusual management, and the experience gained in other action. Therefore, all those principles that for Honor drives into us at the stage of training are important and vital. Change of rack during the fight, evasion, counterattacks and so on – all this must be memorized at the level of instincts.

Perhaps the most important in For Honor is how it is felt. Every blow, block, breaking through the armor look (and sound) naturally. Having played half an hour, I would like to postpone the controller and write a story about a cruel battle filled with the ringing of swords, the “crunch” of armor and wheezing seriously wounded.

By the way, at first I tried to play for Honor on the keyboard, but the game immediately made it clear that it was imprisoned for a gamepad. Changing the racks with the mouse is the same dubious pleasure as do yoga with its help in Grand Theft Auto 5. But playing with the controller is much more pleasant.

However, my most vivid impression is not a battle with pumped and armored opponents, when you need to constantly change the racks, catch enemy blows to the block and counterattack, and a cheerful battle with a hundred ordinary soldiers under the control of AI. At such moments, you do not need to think about strategy – you can just break into a crowd of enemies, picturesquely inflicting deadly blows to the right and left.

► Training battle skills is better on ordinary opponents.

Different aspects of the conflict-Vikings, knights and samurai-are felt in different ways. Firstly, each faction has its own animation of finishing. Secondly, each fighter is characterized by its own rate of strike and a proprietary reception. Viking, for example, may have enough opponents and throw them.

Classes differ even stronger than fractions. If warriors with heavy two -handed swords can stick for a long time in the same rack, then fighters fighting two swords and one and a half blades cannot afford this – they easily “lose” the rack and go out of the defensive position. Such differences primarily affect the dynamics of the battle.

* * *

Already now, at the stage of alpha testing, for Honor seems to be a breakthrough game. If everything remains at least at the same level to the release, then the game awaits a bright future. And if not … Well, we will get a good action about knights, samurai and Vikings.

One way or another, for its audience for Honor will find.

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