The idea of playing video games is not very far from the idea of playing a sport. In fact, almost all sports can be played online. A video game or online computer game is simply an electronic game that entails interaction with a user interface (an x-box, play station, mouse, or wireless headset) or input device-like a keyboard, joystick, motion sensitive (more…)

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Bridge Card Game Online

The Bridge card game is an exciting game that requires a keen eye for strategy. There are a total of 48 cards that are dealt out in the traditional way, one each to each player. The objective of the game is for the player on the left to build his bridge card by using the same card that is already used by the player on the right. When this happens, (more…)

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Tips for winning at online slot machines Online slots have been popular for many years. These games do not require prior knowledge or prior experience. However there is a low…

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